Go Red for Women


Go Red for Women National Chair


Lisa Bisaccia
Executive Vice President &
Chief Human Resources Officer for CVS Health

Go Red For Women National Chair &
Leadership Council

2018 Go Red For Women Chair

Christianna Kearns, SVMHS

Christianna decided to pursue a career in Cardiology at a very young age.


Her grandfather, who she was very close to, had heart disease (suffered 5 heart attacks) and had an ICD. When Christianna was 8 years old, she was sitting with her grandfather on his Lazy boy chair when his ICD decided to give him a shock…and what a shock it was!  Christi went with her Grandfather to the hospital and watched as the medical staff ran multiple cardiac exams. This is when she became interested in the heart.


Christi started her career as a Cardiac Sonographer in 1995 and became involved with the AHA as a volunteer for the Annual Heart Walk. Since then she has remained an active volunteer with the AHA.


Christi is the Senior Administrative Director of Cardiovascular, Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine at Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System and is also a group fitness instructor and has a passion for keeping people healthy.


In her spare time she enjoys running marathons, teaching PiYo and Barre and spending time with her husband Brian and their four-legged furry children, Aspen and Lily.

Executive Leadership Team

Lavonne Chin, County of Monterey

Molly Daste, Brisol-Myers Squibb

Betzi Grogin, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System

Lisa Hungate, Edwards Lifesciences

Heidi Friery Keller, Salinas City School District

Dr. Laurie Kleinman

Liz Mustoe

Dr. Diane Sobkowicz, Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula

Elizabeth Teagle

Monette Thiele, Pacific Life Lines at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula

Suzette Urquides, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System